Saturday, December 8, 2007

Do You Remember The Time?

In a past day and age the hand drawn animated film was the empire of entertainment, and it's Emperor was none other than Walt Disney. With such fabled classics as Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, and Pinocchio, there was no stopping Walt Disney. Until something happened, something that changed the face of entertainment for eternity. The computer. With this gadget that now allows us the freedom of creating "blogs" over a virtual world, I must pose the question, "Do you remember the time?" Do you remember the time my friends, of a world where you could leave your home doors unlocked at night, and keys in the ignition? Do you remember a time where children could play with toys without fear of lead poisoning? Do you remember a time where McDonald's was considered fine dining? I do. I also remember a time where I could see the genius of hand drawn animated films such as The Little Mermaid, Beauty & The Beast, Aladdin, and The Lion King on the silver screen without fear that this medium of entertainment would suddenly disappear and be taken over by animated films created by a machine. The film Enchanted wisps me back to those glory days where animation meant by hand and not by the click of a mouse. I welcome this return to glory, albeit only 15 minutes of the total running time. The rest of the film is not to be ignored as the performances almost feel hand drawn themselves. Amy Adams' portrayal as Giselle, the Princess from Andalasia, will go down in history alongside Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins and Angela Lansbury in Bedknobs and Broomsticks. So I ask again my fellow readers, "Do you remember the time?" The following took place on December 3, 2007 via text messaging:


L: Dude enchanted is the best movie ive seen all year like im not kidding im sitting in the theatre watching the credits as we speak

O: Really best pic good?

L: Dude i fuckin hope so dude its such a well made well acted all around excellent film its the most original ive seen all year but i need to see ncfom (No Country For Old Men)

O: Wow ill have to check it out

L: Yeah man i neeeever (expected) it to be this good

1 comment:

Meg said...

well finally this movie gets some love.