Sunday, December 16, 2007

Best of the Worst

There's something about Dane Cook that just isn't funny. His attempts to fill the comedic gap where Jim Carrey once stood is a horrifying and embarrassing sight. This is exactly what happens in Good Luck Chuck, a film advertised as a light-hearted romantic comedy about a boy who falls hopelessly in love with a clutzy, accident-prone girl. What the film really is is a soft-core porn about a guy who sleeps with hundreds of women in order to fullfill his momentary pleasure and their hopes of meeting the man of their dreams after a night with Chuck. Jessica Alba's presences in this film is totally unnecessary and she plays it with that in mind. Other than being cute as a button, there's nothing she adds to the film that can soften the blow of the tiring performance of Dane Cook and the unwatchable acting of his friend, Stu, played by Dan Fogler.
O: Dude I just saw good luck chuck and I don't even know what to say.

L: Yeah i just think of all the guys who died in WWII just so that movie could be made.

O: dude [Dane Cook's] friend is awful

L: i know dude that guy won a tony

O: well that actually makes sense hes very theatrical

The film is decieving in its advertising and shocking in its reality making for a very uncomfortable and unpleasant theatre experience. A movie with more breasts than jokes must, by definition alone, qualify as pornography. This film is mind-numbing and degrading and must be steered-clear of.

[The text message excerp above have been paraphrased]